This week concludes another four week training cycle and is a designated rest week. Just in time as I’m now fighting off a cold/sore throat. I drop my training levels by 30% or so to allow my body to adapt to the hard training of the first three weeks in the cycle. The strength and endurance gains are achieved during the rest period. It is during the rest that the body heals and repairs itself and grows stronger in adaptation to the stress placed on it. Stress the body, rest the body, body grows stronger, repeat, repeat, repeat. I have four (only!) four week training schedules before the Ironman and sometimes I don’t think it will be enough and I wish it was more, but it’ll have to do!
The final rest period is the three taper leading up to the Ironman. Training volume will go to 75% first week, 50% second week and 25% third week. Training intensity stays the same. This taper period allows total absorption of the training effect, a time to heal all the inevitable minor aches and pains that have developed along the way and a time to get well nourished and hydrated before the big day. This week includes two hours swimming, four hours on the bike and two hours running.
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