Monday is rest day and I need it! On the schedule for this past weekend was a Saturday 22km long run and a 110km ride/13kmrun brick workout. As of this weekend I’ve switched the long run/long brick to Saturday/Sunday. There is much less traffic on the roads on Sunday morning, and almost no trucks whizzing past at 80k plus! I could really do without them and makes the ride a whole lot safer.
Saturday’s run was good, a little cool and rainy, bur better for running than the hot and humid weather that will be here soon. Sunday’s ride was a tough one, rode into a strong wind all the way up to the turnaround, just North of Zepher. Toes, fingers, ears and various other parts all went numb after a while in the cold wind. Had the tail wind for the ride home, but didn’t have a whole lot of gas in the tank to take advantage of it. Averaged 25kph for the trip and 110km total mileage. Did a 13km run right after and the day had warmed up by that time and it was much better. Ran by Auntie Barb’s house on the way home and she out with the Girls playing, minus the Mac Attack, (nappie time) and that was good inspiration to make it back home.
On Friday night IM released the course details for the race. On boy, now it seems much more for real. The highlights? Swim is a one loop course, swimming up river against a ‘slight’ current to the turnaround, slight being a relative term! Bike course will be ‘rolling hills’ and the run a flat double loop through Louisville. Details are here
April is over and for the month I swam 9:12, cycled 29:36 and ran for 21:20 for a total of just over 60 hours of training.
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