In October 2006, I was cleaning out my inbox late one night and came across an email from Ironman introducing a new race in Louisville, Kentucky. I clicked on the entry link and was taking registrations for the race. I made a dash for my wallet, got out my visa card and signed up. I received an official Ironman number and a confirmation of my entry within a couple of minute and less than 24 hours later the race was sold out. Ironman events usually sell out on the first day they open for registration.
I had never attempted an Ironman triathlon, just about everything thing else though, 5k and 10k runs, half marathons, full marathons and every other distance triathlon including half Ironmans, but never an Ironman. Doing an Ironman had always been a dream for me and now I had my chance. I knew the commitment that Ironman takes and I was aware of the time I would spend training and after the initial excitement wore off, I thought that there should be a greater good come from all this.
My Sister Barb has Multiple Sclerosis. Before she was diagnosed we shared our love of running and triathlon and competed together in many events. What better way to show her how much we love her than to raise money to find a cure for MS. I know that if not for MS, she would be at the Ironman with me and when the day comes that we cure MS we will run together again.
The research into a cure for MS and reversal of its effects has advanced significantly over the past five years and the break throughs scientists have made are remarkable. Some researchers have said that finding a cure for MS is simply a matter of finding the money to complete the research. My goal is to raise $50,000 for MS research.
Thank you.