Monday, June 21, 2010

Small World in Lake Placid

So we went down to Lake Placid this weekend to get some 'on the course' training in. It was an absolutely beautiful weekend, hot and sunny, just the way I like it and not the norm in Lake Placid so we really made the best of it. Tim and I participated in the Fireman Ironman Training Camp, a camp founded and operated by a group of Long Island New York Firefighters, including Matt Long. If you've never heard of Matt Long or his story, you should take the time, he's an amazing guy with a story that you won't believe.

On Saturday we completed two 90k loops of the bike course. As is typical for many in Lake Placid, the first loop went great. I pushed hard and was trying to finish it in under 3:00hrs, I was 6mins over and just destroyed my legs in the process. The second loop seemed like someone had turned up the gravity and getting up and over all those hills and dealing with the headwinds was something else. It was hot and humid and I was done. The route took us right by our hotel at the point where we turn back toward Lake Placid for the final 20km and the toughest part of the course. I was really close to packing it in and pulling into the parking lot of the hotel and calling it a day. Just before the hotel, the Fireman had set up and aid station for us and I pulled in when I saw Tim there.

I really think that if I had not seen Tim there and taken a break for a few minutes to re-group, I might have ended my day a little further up the highway. Tim joked that he was having the same thoughts and what if we both decide to pack it in? We had parked Tim's van back in LP at the start and we'd have to go back at some point for it!

At then end of the bike, I have to admit, I didn't run, I was out of gas. I think Tim had more in him and could have gone, but he stayed back too. Sunday morning the whole did a 2 loop swim of 4km with a mass start that was intended to give the first timers an idea of what the actual race start will be like. Having been through it last year, I can tell you that it will be much worse with 2800 people instead of 120!


Scott said...

Chris- i was speaking with your mom and she told me you will be on the island next week. here are some suggestions. on saturday next week (26th i think) there is a fairly popular half marathon in montague that a bunch of triathletes always do. those who are training for long distance races sometimes bike from charlottetown (45 k) and do the race. this year i am just doing the half marathon. every other year when i did an ironman i always biked to the race and got a drive home. there is also a group of us that do open water swimming in rustico. i could take you there some morning. also could go on a bike ride maybe on sunday (june 27th) your mom said you may not be here until sat in which case u would miss the half marathon. the peiroadrunners website has the details of the race.

Chris said...

Thanks Scott, I would love to do the half, unfortunately we won't get to the Island until Sat night! Would really enjoy some open water swimming and a bike on Sunday would be great.